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3.3.5. fmralign.alignment_methods.OptimalTransportAlignment¶
- class fmralign.alignment_methods.OptimalTransportAlignment(metric='euclidean', reg=1, tau=1.0, max_iter=1000, tol=0.001)[source][source]¶
Compute the (unbalanced) optimal coupling between X and Y with entropic regularization using OTT-JAX as a backend for acceleration.
- Parameters:
- metricstr(optional)
metric used to create transport cost matrix, see full list in scipy.spatial.distance.cdist doc
- regint (optional)
level of entropic regularization
- taufloat (optional)
level of unbalancing, 1.0 corresponds to balanced transport, lower values will favor lower mass transport
- Attributes:
- Rjaxlib.xla_extension.Array
Mixing matrix containing the optimal permutation