Source code for fmralign.template_alignment

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Module for functional template inference using functional alignment on Niimgs and
prediction of new subjects unseen images
# Author: T. Bazeille, B. Thirion
# License: simplified BSD

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from sklearn.externals.joblib import Memory
from nilearn.image import index_img, concat_imgs, load_img
from nilearn.input_data.masker_validation import check_embedded_nifti_masker
from fmralign.pairwise_alignment import PairwiseAlignment

def _rescaled_euclidean_mean(imgs, masker, scale_average=False):
    """ Make the Euclidian average of images

    imgs: list of Niimgs
        Each img is 3D by default, but can also be 4D.
    masker: instance of NiftiMasker or MultiNiftiMasker
        Masker to be used on the data.
    scale_average: boolean
        If true, the returned average is scaled to have the average norm of imgs
        If false, it will usually have a smaller norm than initial average
        because noise will cancel across images

    average_img: Niimg
        Average of imgs, with same shape as one img
    masked_imgs = [masker.transform(img) for img in imgs]
    average_img = np.mean(masked_imgs, axis=0)
    scale = 1
    if scale_average:
        X_norm = 0
        for img in masked_imgs:
            X_norm += np.linalg.norm(img)
        X_norm /= len(masked_imgs)
        scale = X_norm / np.linalg.norm(average_img)
    average_img *= scale

    return masker.inverse_transform(average_img)

def _align_images_to_template(imgs, template, alignment_method,
                              n_pieces, clustering, n_bags, masker,
                              memory, memory_level, n_jobs, verbose):
    '''Convenience function : for a list of images, return the list
    of estimators (PairwiseAlignment instances) aligning each of them to a
    common target, the template. All arguments are used in PairwiseAlignment
    aligned_imgs = []
    for img in imgs:
        piecewise_estimator = \
                              clustering=clustering, n_bags=n_bags,
                              mask=masker, memory=memory,
                              verbose=verbose), template)
    return aligned_imgs

def _create_template(imgs, n_iter, scale_template, alignment_method, n_pieces,
                     clustering, n_bags, masker, memory, memory_level,
                     n_jobs, verbose):
    '''Create template through alternate minimization.  Compute iteratively :
        * T minimizing sum(||R_i X_i-T||) which is the mean of aligned images (RX_i)
        * align initial images to new template T
            (find transform R_i minimizing ||R_i X_i-T|| for each img X_i)

        imgs: List of Niimg-like objects
           source data. Every img must have the same length (n_sample)
        scale_template: boolean
            If true, template is rescaled after each inference so that it keeps
            the same norm as the average of training images.
        n_iter: int
           Number of iterations in the alternate minimization. Each image is
           aligned n_iter times to the evolving template. If n_iter = 0,
           the template is simply the mean of the input images.
        All other arguments are the same are passed to PairwiseAlignment

        template: list of 3D Niimgs of length (n_sample)
            Models the barycenter of input imgs
        template_history: list of list of 3D Niimgs
            List of the intermediate templates computed at the end of each iteration

    aligned_imgs = imgs
    template_history = []
    for iter in range(n_iter):
        template = _rescaled_euclidean_mean(
            aligned_imgs, masker, scale_template)
        if 0 < iter < n_iter - 1:
        aligned_imgs = _align_images_to_template(imgs, template,
                                                 alignment_method, n_pieces,
                                                 clustering, n_bags,
                                                 masker, memory, memory_level,
                                                 n_jobs, verbose)

    return template, template_history

def _map_template_to_image(imgs, train_index, template, alignment_method,
                           n_pieces, clustering, n_bags, masker,
                           memory, memory_level, n_jobs, verbose):
    '''Learn alignment operator from the template toward new images.

    imgs: list of 3D Niimgs
        Target images to learn mapping from the template to a new subject
    train_index: list of int
        Matching index between imgs and the corresponding template images to use
        to learn alignment. len(train_index) must be equal to len(imgs)
    template: list of 3D Niimgs
        Learnt in a first step now used as source image
    All other arguments are the same are passed to PairwiseAlignment

    mapping: instance of PairwiseAlignment class
        Alignment estimator fitted to align the template with the input images

    mapping_image = index_img(template, train_index)
    mapping = PairwiseAlignment(n_pieces=n_pieces,
                                n_bags=n_bags, mask=masker, memory=memory,
                                n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose), imgs)
    return mapping

def _predict_from_template_and_mapping(template, test_index, mapping):
    """ From a template, and an alignment estimator, predict new contrasts

    template: list of 3D Niimgs
        Learnt in a first step now used to predict some new data
        Index of the images not used to learn the alignment mapping and so
        predictable without overfitting
    mapping: instance of PairwiseAlignment class
        Alignment estimator that must have been fitted already

    transformed_image: list of Niimgs
        Prediction corresponding to each template image with index in test_index
        once realigned to the new subjects
    image_to_transform = index_img(template, test_index)
    transformed_image = mapping.transform(image_to_transform)
    return transformed_image

[docs]class TemplateAlignment(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Decompose the source images into regions and summarize subjects information \ in a template, then use pairwise alignment to predict \ new contrast for target subject. """
[docs] def __init__(self, alignment_method="identity", n_pieces=1, clustering='kmeans', scale_template=False, n_iter=2, save_template=None, n_bags=1, mask=None, smoothing_fwhm=None, standardize=None, detrend=None, target_affine=None, target_shape=None, low_pass=None, high_pass=None, t_r=None, memory=Memory(cachedir=None), memory_level=0, n_jobs=1, verbose=0): ''' Parameters ---------- alignment_method: string Algorithm used to perform alignment between X_i and Y_i : * either 'identity', 'scaled_orthogonal', 'ridge_cv', \ 'permutation', 'diagonal' * or an instance of one of alignment classes \ (imported from functional_alignment.alignment_methods) n_pieces: int, optional (default = 1) Number of regions in which the data is parcellated for alignment. If 1 the alignment is done on full scale data. If > 1, the voxels are clustered and alignment is performed \ on each cluster applied to X and Y. clustering : string or 3D Niimg optional (default : kmeans) 'kmeans', 'ward', 'rena' method used for clustering of voxels based on functional signal, passed to nilearn.regions.parcellations If 3D Niimg, image used as predefined clustering, n_bags and n_pieces are then ignored. scale_template: boolean, default False rescale template after each inference so that it keeps the same norm as the average of training images. n_iter: int number of iteration in the alternate minimization. Each img is aligned n_iter times to the evolving template. If n_iter = 0, the template is simply the mean of the input images. save_template: None or string(optional) If not None, path to which the template will be saved. n_bags: int, optional (default = 1) If 1 : one estimator is fitted. If >1 number of bagged parcellations and estimators used. mask: Niimg-like object, instance of NiftiMasker or \ MultiNiftiMasker, optional (default = None) Mask to be used on data. If an instance of masker is passed, \ then its mask will be used. If no mask is given, \ it will be computed automatically by a MultiNiftiMasker \ with default parameters. smoothing_fwhm: float, optional (default = None) If smoothing_fwhm is not None, it gives the size in millimeters \ of the spatial smoothing to apply to the signal. standardize: boolean, optional (default = None) If standardize is True, the time-series are centered and normed: \ their variance is put to 1 in the time dimension. detrend: boolean, optional (default = None) This parameter is passed to nilearn.signal.clean. \ Please see the related documentation for details target_affine: 3x3 or 4x4 matrix, optional (default = None) This parameter is passed to nilearn.image.resample_img. \ Please see the related documentation for details. target_shape: 3-tuple of integers, optional (default = None) This parameter is passed to nilearn.image.resample_img. \ Please see the related documentation for details. low_pass: None or float, optional (default = None) This parameter is passed to nilearn.signal.clean. \ Please see the related documentation for details. high_pass: None or float, optional (default = None) This parameter is passed to nilearn.signal.clean. \ Please see the related documentation for details. t_r: float, optional (default = None) This parameter is passed to nilearn.signal.clean. \ Please see the related documentation for details. memory: instance of joblib.Memory or string (default = None) Used to cache the masking process and results of algorithms. \ By default, no caching is done. If a string is given, it is the \ path to the caching directory. memory_level: integer, optional (default = None) Rough estimator of the amount of memory used by caching. \ Higher value means more memory for caching. n_jobs: integer, optional (default = 1) The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. -1 means \ 'all CPUs', -2 'all CPUs but one', and so on. verbose: integer, optional (default = 0) Indicate the level of verbosity. By default, nothing is printed. ''' self.template = None self.template_history = None self.alignment_method = alignment_method self.n_pieces = n_pieces self.clustering = clustering self.n_iter = n_iter self.scale_template = scale_template self.save_template = save_template self.n_bags = n_bags self.mask = mask self.smoothing_fwhm = smoothing_fwhm self.standardize = standardize self.detrend = detrend self.target_affine = target_affine self.target_shape = target_shape self.low_pass = low_pass self.high_pass = high_pass self.t_r = t_r self.memory = memory self.memory_level = memory_level self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.verbose = verbose
[docs] def fit(self, imgs): """ Learn a template from source images, using alignment. Parameters ---------- imgs: List of 4D Niimg-like or List of lists of 3D Niimg-like Source subjects data. Each element of the parent list is one subject data, and all must have the same length (n_samples). Returns ------- self Attributes ---------- self.template: 4D Niimg object Length : n_samples """ # Check if the input is a list, if list of lists, concatenate each subjects # data into one unique image. if not isinstance(imgs, (list, np.ndarray)) or len(imgs) < 2: raise InputError('The method need a list input. \ Each element of the list (Niimg-like or list of Niimgs) \ is the data for one subject.') else: if isinstance(imgs[0], (list, np.ndarray)): imgs = [concat_imgs(img) for img in imgs] self.masker_ = check_embedded_nifti_masker(self) self.masker_.n_jobs = self.n_jobs # self.n_jobs # if masker_ has been provided a mask_img if self.masker_.mask_img is None: else: self.template, self.template_history = \ _create_template(imgs, self.n_iter, self.scale_template, self.alignment_method, self.n_pieces, self.clustering, self.n_bags, self.masker_, self.memory, self.memory_level, self.n_jobs, self.verbose) if self.save_template is not None: self.template.to_filename(self.save_template)
[docs] def transform(self, imgs, train_index, test_index): """ Learn alignment between new subject and template calculated during fit, then predicts other conditions for this new subject. Alignment is learnt between imgs and conditions in the template indexed by train_index. Prediction correspond to conditions in the template index by test_index. Parameters ---------- imgs: List of 3D Niimg-like objects Target subjects known data. Every img must have length (number of sample) train_index. train_index: list of ints Indexes of the 3D samples used to map each img to the template. Every index should be smaller than the number of images in the template. test_index: list of ints Indexes of the 3D samples to predict from the template and the mapping. Every index should be smaller than the number of images in the template. Returns ------- predicted_imgs: List of 3D Niimg-like objects Target subjects predicted data. Each Niimg has the same length as the list test_index """ if not isinstance(imgs, (list, np.ndarray)): raise InputError('The method TemplateAlignment.transform() need a list input. \ Each element of the list (Niimg-like or list of Niimgs) \ is the data used to align one new subject with images \ indexed by train_index.') else: if isinstance(imgs[0], (list, np.ndarray)) and len(imgs[0]) != len(train_index): raise ValueError(' Each element of imgs (Niimg-like or list of Niimgs) \ should have the same length as the length of train_index.') elif load_img(imgs[0]).shape[-1] != len(train_index): raise ValueError( ' Each element of imgs (Niimg-like or list of Niimgs) \ should have the same length as the length of train_index.') template_length = self.template.shape[-1] if not (all(i < template_length for i in test_index) and all( i < template_length for i in train_index)): raise ValueError( "Template has {} images but you provided a greater index in \ train_index or test_index.".format(template_length)) fitted_mappings = Parallel(self.n_jobs, prefer="threads", verbose=self.verbose)( delayed(_map_template_to_image) (img, train_index, self.template, self.alignment_method, self.n_pieces, self.clustering, self.n_bags, self.masker_, self.memory, self.memory_level, self.n_jobs, self.verbose ) for img in imgs ) predicted_imgs = Parallel(self.n_jobs, prefer="threads", verbose=self.verbose)( delayed(_predict_from_template_and_mapping) (self.template, test_index, mapping) for mapping in fitted_mappings ) return predicted_imgs
# Make inherited function harmless
[docs] def fit_transform(self): """Parent method not applicable here. Will raise AttributeError if called. """ raise AttributeError( "type object 'PairwiseAlignment' has no attribute 'fit_transform'")