Source code for fmralign.pairwise_alignment

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Module for pairwise functional alignment

import copy
import numpy as np
from time import time

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from sklearn.externals.joblib import Memory
from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit
from sklearn.base import clone
from nilearn.input_data.masker_validation import check_embedded_nifti_masker
from nilearn.image import load_img, concat_imgs, index_img
from fmralign.alignment_methods import RidgeAlignment, Identity, Hungarian, \
    ScaledOrthogonalAlignment, OptimalTransportAlignment, DiagonalAlignment
from fmralign._utils import _make_parcellation, piecewise_transform

def generate_Xi_Yi(labels, X, Y, masker, verbose=0):
    """ Generate source and target data X_i and Y_i for each piece i.

    labels : list of ints (len n_features)
        Parcellation of features in clusters
    X: Niimg-like object
        Source data
    Y: Niimg-like object
        Target data
    masker: instance of NiftiMasker or MultiNiftiMasker
        Masker to be used on the data. For more information see:
    verbose: integer, optional.
        Indicate the level of verbosity.

    X_i: ndarray
        Source data for piece i (shape : n_samples, n_features)
    Y_i: ndarray
        Target data for piece i (shape : n_samples, n_features)

    X_ = masker.transform(X)
    Y_ = masker.transform(Y)
    if verbose > 0:
        unique_labels, counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True)
        unique_labels = np.unique(labels)

    for k in range(len(unique_labels)):
        label = unique_labels[k]
        i = label == labels
        if (k + 1) % 25 == 0 and verbose > 0:
            print("Fitting parcel: " + str(k + 1) +
                  "/" + str(len(unique_labels)))
        # should return X_i Y_i
        yield X_[:, i], Y_[:, i]

def fit_one_piece(X_i, Y_i, alignment_method):
    """ Align source and target data in one piece i, X_i and Y_i, using
    alignment method and learn transformation to map X to Y.

    X_i: ndarray
        Source data for piece i (shape : n_samples, n_features)
    Y_i: ndarray
        Target data for piece i (shape : n_samples, n_features)
    alignment_method: string
        Algorithm used to perform alignment between X_i and Y_i :
        - either 'identity', 'scaled_orthogonal', 'ridge_cv',
            'permutation', 'diagonal'
        - or an instance of one of alignment classes
            (imported from functional_alignment.alignment_methods)

        Instance of alignment estimator class fitted for X_i, Y_i

    if alignment_method == 'identity':
        alignment_algo = Identity()
    elif alignment_method == 'scaled_orthogonal':
        alignment_algo = ScaledOrthogonalAlignment()
    elif alignment_method == 'ridge_cv':
        alignment_algo = RidgeAlignment()
    elif alignment_method == 'permutation':
        alignment_algo = Hungarian()
    elif alignment_method == 'optimal_transport':
        alignment_algo = OptimalTransportAlignment()
    elif alignment_method == 'diagonal':
        alignment_algo = DiagonalAlignment()
    elif isinstance(alignment_method, (Identity, ScaledOrthogonalAlignment,
                                       RidgeAlignment, Hungarian,
        alignment_algo = clone(alignment_method), Y_i)

    return alignment_algo

def fit_one_parcellation(X_, Y_, alignment_method, masker, n_pieces,
                         clustering, clustering_index,
                         n_jobs, verbose):
    """ Create one parcellation of n_pieces and align each source and target
    data in one piece i, X_i and Y_i, using alignment method
    and learn transformation to map X to Y.

    X_: Niimg-like object
        Source data
    Y_: Niimg-like object
        Target data
    alignment_method: string
        algorithm used to perform alignment between each region of X_ and Y_
    masker: instance of NiftiMasker or MultiNiftiMasker
        Masker to be used on the data. For more information see:
    n_pieces: n_pieces: int,
        Number of regions in which the data is parcellated for alignment
    clustering: string or 3D Niimg
        method used to perform parcellation of data.
        If 3D Niimg, image used as predefined clustering.
    clustering_index: list of integers
        Clustering is performed on a 20% subset of the data chosen randomly
        in timeframes. This index carry this subset.
    n_jobs: integer, optional
        The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. -1 means
        'all CPUs', -2 'all CPUs but one', and so on.
    verbose: integer, optional
        Indicate the level of verbosity. By default, nothing is printed

        Instance of alignment estimator class fitted for X_i, Y_i
    # choose indexes maybe with index_img to not
    if n_pieces > 1:
        clustering_data = index_img(X_, clustering_index)
        labels = _make_parcellation(clustering_data, clustering,
                                    n_pieces, masker, verbose=verbose)
        labels = np.ones(
            int(masker.mask_img_.get_data().sum()), dtype=np.int8)

    fit = Parallel(n_jobs, prefer="threads", verbose=verbose)(
            X_i, Y_i, alignment_method
        ) for X_i, Y_i in generate_Xi_Yi(labels, X_, Y_, masker, verbose)

    return labels, fit

[docs]class PairwiseAlignment(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Decompose the source and target images into regions and align corresponding \ regions independently. """
[docs] def __init__(self, alignment_method, n_pieces=1, clustering='kmeans', n_bags=1, mask=None, smoothing_fwhm=None, standardize=None, detrend=False, target_affine=None, target_shape=None, low_pass=None, high_pass=None, t_r=None, memory=Memory(cachedir=None), memory_level=0, n_jobs=1, verbose=0): """ If n_pieces > 1, decomposes the images into regions \ and align each source/target region independantly. If n_bags > 1, this parcellation process is applied multiple time \ and the resulting models are bagged. Parameters ---------- alignment_method: string Algorithm used to perform alignment between X_i and Y_i : * either 'identity', 'scaled_orthogonal', 'ridge_cv', \ 'permutation', 'diagonal' * or an instance of one of alignment classes \ (imported from functional_alignment.alignment_methods) n_pieces: int, optional (default = 1) Number of regions in which the data is parcellated for alignment. If 1 the alignment is done on full scale data. If >1, the voxels are clustered and alignment is performed \ on each cluster applied to X and Y. clustering : string or 3D Niimg optional (default : kmeans) 'kmeans', 'ward', 'rena' method used for clustering of voxels based on functional signal, passed to nilearn.regions.parcellations If 3D Niimg, image used as predefined clustering, n_bags and n_pieces are then ignored. n_bags: int, optional (default = 1) If 1 : one estimator is fitted. If >1 number of bagged parcellations and estimators used. mask: Niimg-like object, instance of NiftiMasker or \ MultiNiftiMasker, optional (default = None) Mask to be used on data. If an instance of masker is passed, \ then its mask will be used. If no mask is given, \ it will be computed automatically by a MultiNiftiMasker \ with default parameters. smoothing_fwhm: float, optional (default = None) If smoothing_fwhm is not None, it gives the size in millimeters \ of the spatial smoothing to apply to the signal. standardize: boolean, optional (default = None) If standardize is True, the time-series are centered and normed: \ their variance is put to 1 in the time dimension. detrend: boolean, optional (default = None) This parameter is passed to nilearn.signal.clean. \ Please see the related documentation for details target_affine: 3x3 or 4x4 matrix, optional (default = None) This parameter is passed to nilearn.image.resample_img. \ Please see the related documentation for details. target_shape: 3-tuple of integers, optional (default = None) This parameter is passed to nilearn.image.resample_img. \ Please see the related documentation for details. low_pass: None or float, optional (default = None) This parameter is passed to nilearn.signal.clean. \ Please see the related documentation for details. high_pass: None or float, optional (default = None) This parameter is passed to nilearn.signal.clean. \ Please see the related documentation for details. t_r: float, optional (default = None) This parameter is passed to nilearn.signal.clean. \ Please see the related documentation for details. memory: instance of joblib.Memory or string (default = None) Used to cache the masking process and results of algorithms. \ By default, no caching is done. If a string is given, it is the \ path to the caching directory. memory_level: integer, optional (default = None) Rough estimator of the amount of memory used by caching. \ Higher value means more memory for caching. n_jobs: integer, optional (default = 1) The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. -1 means \ 'all CPUs', -2 'all CPUs but one', and so on. verbose: integer, optional (default = 0) Indicate the level of verbosity. By default, nothing is printed. """ self.n_pieces = n_pieces self.alignment_method = alignment_method self.n_bags = n_bags self.clustering = clustering self.mask = mask self.smoothing_fwhm = smoothing_fwhm self.standardize = standardize self.detrend = detrend self.low_pass = low_pass self.high_pass = high_pass self.t_r = t_r self.target_affine = target_affine self.target_shape = target_shape self.memory = memory self.memory_level = memory_level self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.verbose = verbose
[docs] def fit(self, X, Y): """Fit data X and Y and learn transformation to map X to Y Parameters ---------- X: Niimg-like object Source data. Y: Niimg-like object Target data Returns ------- self """ self.masker_ = check_embedded_nifti_masker(self) self.masker_.n_jobs = 1 # self.n_jobs # Avoid warning with imgs != None # if masker_ has been provided a mask_img if self.masker_.mask_img is None:[X]) else: # miss concatenation, transpose if isinstance(X, (list, np.ndarray)): X_ = concat_imgs(X) else: X_ = load_img(X) if isinstance(X, (list, np.ndarray)): Y_ = concat_imgs(Y) else: Y_ = load_img(Y) self.fit_, self.labels_ = [], [] rs = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=self.n_bags, test_size=.8, random_state=0) outputs = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs, prefer="threads", verbose=self.verbose)( delayed(fit_one_parcellation)( X_, Y_, self.alignment_method, self.masker_, self.n_pieces, self.clustering, clustering_index, self.n_jobs, self.verbose) for clustering_index, _ in rs.split(range(X_.shape[-1]))) # change split self.labels_ = [output[0] for output in outputs] self.fit_ = [output[1] for output in outputs] return self
[docs] def transform(self, X): """Predict data from X Parameters ---------- X: Niimg-like object Source data Returns ------- X_transform: Niimg-like object Predicted data """ if isinstance(X, (list, np.ndarray)): X = concat_imgs(X) X_ = self.masker_.transform(X) X_transform = np.zeros_like(X_) for i in range(self.n_bags): X_transform += piecewise_transform( self.labels_[i], self.fit_[i], X_) X_transform /= self.n_bags return self.masker_.inverse_transform(X_transform)
# Make inherited function harmless
[docs] def fit_transform(self): """Parent method not applicable here. Will raise AttributeError if called. """ raise AttributeError( "type object 'PairwiseAlignment' has no attribute 'fit_transform'")